Health Card

As a part of our 15th anniversary celebration, we are providing our esteemed clients with the facility of, GBH American Health card. Our Health Card takes care of all the preventive and pre-hospitalization health care needs, and it also provides free or considerably discounted services. Being a card, it can be carried in your wallet all the time and can be used as and when needed.

Exclusive Benefits For Health Card Holders Include:

  • 25% Discount on Consultancy fees
  • 15% discounts on Pathology services
  • Medicines at 7% Discount
  • Admitted Patients get 10% discount on services (excluding medicines and implants)
  • The card is valid for 1 years

The Card Is Available At A Very Affordable Cost Of:

  • Rs 300 for one Person
  • Rs 500 for Family (4 persons)

To get the GBH-AH Health Card benefits Download the form here

for further queries contact us on: 09680 40 80 50
