About Hospital

  • 24-hours Emergency and Trauma care
  • State-of-the-Art Medical Equipment
  • A team of highly qualified and trained management Professionals, world class doctors, caring paramedical staff, technicians and patient care personnel to provide the highest level of care
  • Clean, hygienic and comfortable OPD and In-patient facilities
  • Intensive Care Unit (ICU)- Medical, Surgical, Neonatal
  • Well-equipped OT
  • Pharmacy, Ambulance, Diagnostic, Trauma and Emergency Services available round the clock
  • 24 Hours Blood Bank facilities
  • Regular educational and health camps to help educate patients on various health issues so that they make informed choices
  • Total Quality Management (TQM) & Continuous Quality Improvement
  • A complete preventive health care program
  • Family participation in patient management
  • 24/7 operating in house cafeteria for staff and patients